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President Trump and joe Biden Speak At 2020 Al Simth Dinner

 who won the first debate in the US presidential election?

President Trump and joe Biden Speak At 2020 Al Simth Dinner

The whole debate was full of gunpowder. Biden criticized Trump as a "liar" and a "clown". He also criticized Trump as "the worst president in the history of the United States" through the tax issue. Trump repeatedly interrupted Biden's speech and attacked Biden for "47 years in politics and nothing was done." 

US presidential candidates Trump and Biden began face-to-face "ultimate showdown." At 9 a.m. Beijing time on September 30, Trump and his opponent Biden held their first televised debate in Cleveland, Ohio. At this time, there are less than 40 days before the US election day. The two candidates have diametrically opposed temperaments and different governing philosophies, but their debate goals have some basic things in common: put their opponents on the defensive end and attract more votes. This is one of the last chances for presidential candidates to attract the attention of swing voters. At present, Biden leads Trump in the polls, and this debate may also be Trump's best chance to reverse the situation. Since May 1, the Democratic candidates have maintained an average lead between 4% and 10%.

Prior to this debate, the latest polls by The New York Times and Siena College (NYT/Siena College) showed that Biden was 8 percentage points ahead of Trump, and the approval rate among possible voters was 49% to 41%. ; Among female voters, 53% support Biden and 37% support Trump, but the two sides are evenly matched among male voters, with a support rate of 45%. Polls by the Washington Post and Post-ABC also show that Biden leads Trump by 10 percentage points, with 53% of registered voters supporting Biden and 43% supporting Trump; The 12-percentage difference between the two parties’ polls before the National Congress in August remained statistically unchanged. Trump, who is seeking reelection, is 74 years old. He has repeatedly questioned whether his 77-year-old opponent, Biden, is mentally competent for the post of president.

This debate was hosted by Fox News anchor Wallace. Wallace is not Trump’s “dish” because other Fox News anchors are often accused of being Trump’s “cheerleader” and Wallace Scholars have long treated the two factions of American politics fairly. This debate included six debate topics, including their political performance, the Supreme Court, the US epidemic, the US economy, the issue of racial shock and violence in US cities, and the fairness of the electoral system. Each topic debate time is 15 minutes, and the whole course lasts 90 minutes. At the opening, Wallace pointed out that there was absolutely no disclosure of the questions of the debate to the candidate camps on both sides. The whole debate was full of gunpowder, and the two candidates and the host had a big fight. In discussing the nomination of Supreme Court justices and medical insurance issues, Biden criticized Trump as a "liar" and "clown". He also criticized Trump for being "the worst president in the history of the United States" through taxation issues. A few minutes after the debate began, Trump's goal in the debate became obvious. He tried to interrupt Biden's rhythm. Trump repeatedly interrupted Biden's speech and attacked Biden: "For 47 years in politics, nothing was done."

A few hours before the debate, both sides "action" A few hours before the first debate in the 2020 US presidential election, US Democratic presidential candidate Biden and his running partner Senator Kamala Harris released their 2019 federal and state tax returns. There is speculation in the United States that Biden’s release of tax returns is aimed at responding to the New York Times’s recent exposure that Trump had reduced his tax payable over the years, and only paid $750 in federal income tax in 2016 and 2017. the behavior of. A few hours before the debate began, Trump sent a subscription email saying that he "completed the debate." E-mails showed that Trump had a tense debate and said it would be "written in history." The email read: "I have shown to the American people that I will fight for America first no matter what, and I will never stop working hard to make America great again." Trump also wrote in this personal speech. The email asked voters to continue donating.

Biden has also used this campaign strategy. In November 2019, it also sent a similar email 6 hours before the start of the Democratic debate. Before the debate, Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump also posted a photo with her family on social networking sites. In the photo, everyone’s mask is different. However, during the debate, many Trump family members did not wear masks when they entered the debate.

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