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Residential building collapsed in Miami, USA: 9 people confirmed dead, more than 100 lost contact

 Residential building collapsed in Miami, USA: 9 people confirmed dead, more than 100 lost contact

A 12-story residential building in northern Miami, Florida, United States collapsed on Thursday, and rescuers' search for survivors continued on Sunday (27th).

On Sunday, local officials confirmed that at least 9 people were killed and 156 people lost contact with the collapse of the building. On Saturday, local time, a serious fire broke out under the rubble of the collapsed building and rescue work was blocked. The media found on Saturday that an engineering company warned in a report as early as 2018 that the original design of this apartment building had major defects and pointed out that some concrete cracks in the building had to be repaired.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (Ron DeSantis) said that the cause of the collapse will be investigated overnight. This residential building has 136 suites, of which 55 collapsed last Thursday (24th), and many collapsed since then. Officials say that about 80 units in the building are occupied by families.

Reason for questioning What caused the collapse of the building? People are asking more and more questions about this. Florida Governor DeSantis said in a speech on Friday (June 25) that the current focus is still to find survivors. But he called for a "timely" explanation of what happened, adding that what people need to know is that the collapse of the building "is it only the problem of this building, or is there a bigger problem." This Champlain Tower in Surfside was completed in 1981. When it collapsed, the authorities were recertifying the 40-year-old building in accordance with city safety regulations. The media found on Saturday that an engineering company warned in a report as early as 2018 that the original design of this apartment building had major defects and pointed out that some concrete cracks in the building had to be repaired. It is reported that the residents have filed a class action lawsuit against the building management, accusing it of not disclosing information on safety measures and supervision, and failing to monitor the stability of the building.

How is the latest search and rescue situation? US President Biden has approved Florida to declare a state of emergency, which means that the Federal Emergency Management Agency will help state agencies to carry out rescue work. Rescuers are currently working in rotation and limit the number of rescuers at the rescue site to prevent any further collapse. Rescue teams from Mexico and Israel have also reportedly arrived to help with the search. When night fell on Friday, the fire and rescue department warned nearby residents to stay indoors due to the heavy dust. On Saturday (26th) local time, a serious fire broke out under the rubble of the collapsed building and rescue work was blocked. Miami-Dade County Magistrate Daniella Levine Cava (Daniella Levine Cava) said on Sunday that nine people have been confirmed dead.

"Like a scene in 911" Most of the Champlain Building on Surfside Waterfront collapsed at approximately 01:00 (05:00 GMT) on Thursday. A large part of this 12-story apartment building collapsed, and the cause of the collapse is currently unclear. A man and his brother went out for a dog walk. He said he heard the sound of a building collapsing. "We heard a loud rumble, we thought it was a motorcycle, and then we turned around and saw a cloud of dust coming towards us," he told CBS. "Our reaction at the time was, "What's the matter?" We rushed over, with a shirt over our face, and the security came out. We asked what happened? She said the house had collapsed. A man who witnessed the collapse told CNN, "It looks like a scene from the 9/11 incident," referring to the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York.

Earlier, local officials said that rescuers rescued 35 people from the rubble. Ten people were evaluated and treated, and two of them were taken to the hospital. The search and rescue team is also searching for survivors in a parking lot under the rubble. Miami-Dade Fire Department Chief Raide Jadallah said that a small fire broke out during the search, but it was extinguished within 20 minutes. He said that they have used sonar and search cameras, as well as specially trained dogs, but because of the risk of moving gravel, this is a "slow and orderly" process. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis inspected the scene on Thursday afternoon. He said that the fire and rescue services are still in "search and rescue mode." "The TV didn't handle it properly. It's really very painful to see such a huge building collapse." The BBC reporter Will Grant at the scene said that relatives of the missing people gathered in a community center a few blocks away from the collapsed building to wait for news, fearing that the worst would happen. US President Biden said, "I want to tell the people of Florida, no matter what help you want or what the federal government can provide, we will wait, just ask us. We are here," Biden said. According to police, the 12-story Champlain Building is located at 8777 Collins Avenue.

Santo Mejil, 50, was awakened by a phone call from his wife, who was the night caregiver of an elderly disabled woman who was on the ninth floor of one of the three buildings in Champlain Towers. Mr. Megar told the Miami Herald: "She said she heard an explosion." "It felt like an earthquake." His wife had been rescued. A man living in a nearby building described the situation to CBS: "The building shook, and then I looked out the window and saw nothing. I thought it was a storm or something." "When the dust dissipated, two-thirds of the back of the building was gone, all fell to the ground."

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