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US President Joe Biden also fell victim to COVID-19


US President Joe Biden also fell victim to Corona

The American President Joe Biden suffered from COVID-19 for the first time. According to the press secretary, the 79-year-old American President Biden has received two booster doses in addition to both doses of the COVID-19. According to the spokesman, Joe Biden has been isolated in the White House and will carry out his duties as usual from there. According to White House press secretary Karen Jean-Pierre, Joe Biden had symptoms of the corona virus, after which he was tested, which came back positive.

US President Joe Biden also fell victim to COVID-19

White House coronavirus coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha told CNN that President Biden did not have a fever Thursday morning, complained of a cold and dry cough, and was experiencing some fatigue. Remember, Biden received the first two doses of the Pfizer/Biotech Covid-19 vaccine in January 2021. He had his first booster shot in September and his second booster vaccination on March 30. According to medical experts, Joe Biden is at greater risk of contracting the virus due to his advanced age, but the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said that older adults are less likely to die after receiving a full vaccine and booster dose. The risk is significantly reduced.

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