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FIFA: The opening ceremony of the World Cup will be held one hour earlier



On November 20, Beijing time, FIFA officially announced that the FIFA opening ceremony of the 2022 Qatar World Cup will be held one hour earlier, and the start time will be advanced from 23:30 Beijing time to 22:30.

At the opening ceremony of the World Cup, Jungkook, the lead singer of the Korean idol group BTS, and Qubais, the local singer of Qatar, will sing the official song of the World Cup "dreamers (dreamers)".

After the 30-minute opening ceremony, Qatar and Ecuador players will enter the pitch to warm up. The time of the opening game remains unchanged, still at 0:00 on November 21.

Marko Balić, creative director of the opening ceremony of the Fifa World Cup, is the general director of the opening ceremony of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. He has released a bold statement a few days ago that he will create an "unprecedented Fifa World Cup opening ceremony comparable to the Olympics."

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