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Let the battlefield determine Ukraine's negotiating terms


In an article published in the US "Foreign Policy" magazine, the author said in the article that it is too early to start negotiations to end the war in Ukraine and achieve peace.

American journalist James Traub said in an article published in the magazine that premature diplomacy during the war was a mistake and that battlefield dynamics should be allowed to influence the terms of negotiations.

Traub cites what happened in the summer of 1814, when U.S. and British negotiators met in the Belgian city of Ghent to end a two-year war between the two countries that began with Britain's invasion of the United States.

Traub said the Americans were on the verge of acquiescing to Britain's demands to redraw the border, while Britain would preserve gains made on the ground, including parts of New England, which includes six key states in the northeastern United States.

American negotiators, however, resorted to procrastination, hoping to hear good news from the battlefield, and soon news of American victories on the ground reached their ears, forcing Britain to withdraw all demands, and the two sides reached a peace agreement, ending the war. A time when American sovereignty is threatened.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, urged President Joe Biden's administration to "seize the opportunity" to engage in diplomacy now, following the Ukrainian victory that he believed had pushed Russian forces into the country, the author said. dead end.

According to Traub, this was a mistake because Ukrainian forces have been confronting Russian forces since the start of the war and were able to expel Russian forces from areas they control, a month after any peaceful diplomatic effort would have resulted in Ukraine ceding the Kremlin. Ilsson, and brought it under Russian control, however, the Ukrainians have recently managed to retake the city, as was the case when the agreement was signed in 1814.

Traub concluded that the moment to resort to diplomacy will come, but the time has not yet come, and he called for the moment not to rush to push Ukraine and Russia to the negotiating table, but to wait for the outcome of the battle on the battlefield.

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