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Married life in Islam, importance of married life,Islamic information about marriage

Islam and Marital Life 

Pair everything: 
Allah Almighty has created everything in pairs

[Glory is the one who made everything a pair]

Thus, Allah created men and women as one spouse in human beings. When Allah created Adam, He was alone in Paradise even though He was in the blessings of Paradise but there was a feeling of loneliness. Eve created Islam. From which came new spring in her life and both of them started living in paradise, then it was found that even in a place like paradise without a woman, the life of a man is incomplete. Also needed for solace and relief.
According to the Shariah, the meeting of one's spouse together with one another is called 'Allah'.

The importance of marital life in Islam: 
Islam is a religion of nature. It did not order human beings to live unlawfully but it ordered people to live a life under which they fulfill all their social responsibilities.

Islam does not teach that you should abandon the world and start living in the jungles and caves. Islam emphasizes living a social life. This is why religion is encouraged to lead a celibate life. ۔

The three companions were God-fearing and worship-oriented. 
Once all three of them were sitting together, one said, "I will pray all night. The other said I will fast all my life." When you heard of this, you went to them and told them that you had done things that were not appropriate. I also pray and pray, and I sleep, and I also marry and go to women He will turn away from me

Likewise, a companion, Usman ibn Ma'azoon, took the women away from them and intended to end their femininity so that they could worship together unitedly. He said 
Therefore, it is commanded in the Quran to marry 
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
(And marry those of you who are unmarried) 
One place and Allah Almighty said: 
(So ​​marry the women you like, two, three, four, four. So if you are afraid that you will not be able to judge them, then marry one)
That is why the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Marriage is my Sunnah" (Ibn Majah) 
Then he said 
(He who turns away from my Sunnah does not belong to me)

What more could be emphasized to clarify the importance of marriage?
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