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iPhone 13 release date, price, specs and leaks

 Iphone 13

2021 is gonna be a big
year for apple a new iphone 13 that
could be foldable
apple ar glasses and of course
redesigned macs are all slated to launch
sometime this year and if 2020 taught us

it's that apple is really looking to
step up their game and they are not
afraid to do sort of a blitz
of announcements to release a bunch of
new products in a very short amount of
and there is a lot to be excited for
this year so in this video
i'm breaking down the nine most exciting
apple products set to launch
here in 2021 there's a little something
in here for everyone to
get excited about
before we jump into some of the more
exciting products let me start with some
of the more
boring things well not boring but just
the stuff we've been expecting to see
for a while now and stuff that's a
little bit
less exciting when you compare to some
of the other stuff on this list
first things first of course i'm talking
about air tags at this point there is
little to be left to the imagination
about air tags
we've seen what's supposed to be its
final design we've even got new images
from john prosser that show it's little
looks like it's like pairing animation
with it kind of floating around
we know that there's supposed to be
accessories for we know kind of how it's
supposed to work
for some reason it seems like it's been
on the daca to be released from multiple
years now
and just keeps getting pushed back for
some unknown reason but yes
it is finally supposed to launch
sometime in 2021
you've got multiple credible analysts
like ming chi quo confirming that yes
2021 is the year that air tags will

this has got to be a definite one
launching hopefully
sometime soon moving on to number two
let's talk about airpods we just got the
release of the new premium airpods max
airpods pro were just released about a
year or so ago at this point i think it
was like october 2019
so it's been a little while but not too
long which leaves kind of the base
airpods now
in need of an upgrade and a refresh and
what we're hearing from different rumor
mills and analysts is that the new
standard airpods are going to take the
design language of the airpods pro
though sort of you can see this kind of
x-ray-like image that the regular
airpods should adopt a similar stem
style to the airpods pro
it'll probably feature removable tips as
well but it's going to be a little bit
more condensed and shrunken down than
what we have with airpods pro so a
similar design
and a somewhat similar feature set
though remember with the basic airpods
you're going to lose things like noise
cancellation and transparency modes
though sound quality battery life and
the pairing and all that stuff should be
pretty much the same you're just going
to lose some of those more higher end
pro features moving on to product number
three is where things start to get a
little bit interesting because now i'm
talking about apple ar
glasses these have essentially been in
development for years now supposedly
johnny ive had a very strong hand in
designing these glasses
and basically what they would do is
harness the power of augmented reality
to overlay things like siri information
map directions weather uh maybe even
facetime calls
a lot of the stuff that you use on your
phone and you look at your phone's
for on uh your glasses you'd be
basically be able to look in the real
world and see
augmented uh personalized information
now this is really exciting we've heard
a lot of great things about this and
many who have been uh in the know about
the project who have kind of been on the
inside say this is supposed to really be
apple's next big thing
and the company obviously has a an
affinity for augmented reality
apple has shown that they've really
loved this technology for a while now
so it does make sense for apple to sort
of take the next step
and really introduce and really
revolutionize the ar industry by
displaying what this technology could
really do at its full potential
with some kind of super sleek and really
cool consumer product
and i don't want to dampen your
expectations but let me just make it
explicitly clear that
we're hearing from analysts like ming
chi quo that apple's working on this
bloomberg has reported as well but we
just don't have a very concrete timeline
on what exactly we would expect this
some rumors say that apple is going to
announce these ar glasses
this year in 2021 but not release them
until 2022
ming chi closes apple is gearing up for
some kind of ar
product launch this year though that
could be maybe a headset like the oculus
quest and not be the glasses those would
come later
we're not exactly sure when this would
launch though
2021 is definitely in the rumor cycle as
a potential launch
year for this new device of course i
can't go any further into this list
without talking about the next product
and that is of course
the iphone 13. now we're still a little
ways away from this launching
sometime in the fall though there is a
growing number of things we know about
this phone and some more interesting
stuff about what is coming
next in terms of the iphone lineup so
there's kind of
two schools of thought here on one hand
the iphone 13 is probably going to be
very similar to all the things i talked
about in a previous video we will link
to up here
and down below which is basically the
same design language of the iphone 12
pro better cameras better processor
better battery pro motion display
and of course maybe even a portless
option as well

that's kind of all the stuff we can
expect apple to do with the iphone 13
in 2021 but there's also another option
we're hearing that apple is continuing
to work on a foldable iphone
version and that there are two
prototypes that are kind of in the final
stages of development
sort of in the r d labs of apple there's
one similar to the surface duo from
microsoft it's sort of a dual
screen approach on a hinge that opens
and closes like a book
and one similar to the z flip from
samsung that's more of a vertical screen
that opens up into a large display and
closes up to something smaller
now what we know is that this is on
track and on pace to somehow
maybe someday enter production but we
don't know if it's ready for prime time
this year in 2021 if i was betting on
this i would say there's no chance this
happens this year probably
more like next year at the earliest
though we are hearing
increasing news that apple is doubling
down efforts to produce some kind of
folding phone so don't get your hopes up
for this year
but if you know anything about apple you
know that you should never count them
out you should never try to think for
them and plan for them
and we've been fooled once or twice by a
crazy one more thing so maybe this could
the one more thing this year maybe not
moving a little bit more back to reality
let's talk about something
definitely happening in 2021 and that is
a new macbook pro and more specifically
new apple m1x or m2 chips
look it is no surprise of the apple m1
chip really
blew away everybody's expectations and
seems to be kind of dominating the news
on just how powerful and efficient and
just crazy good these chips are
which makes a lot of us super excited to
see what the next version of this chip
would be
whether it's the m1x or the m2 this is
supposed to be a more powerful
more of a professional chip gear towards
photo and video pros
and is gotten me really excited to see
if this is what apple can do with the
base with the m1
the next version is going to be crazy
good we're expecting this chip to go
into something like the 16-inch macbook
pro that makes the most sense
it's kind of the daily driver for many
creative professionals
and should really be a really nice
complement to this higher end chip
we've also heard some lingering rumors
for a while now that apple could
redesign the macbook pro that it would
get slimmer bezels it could possibly get
face id as well
and putting this new chip into this
laptop would be kind of a good time
to refresh the looks a little bit we got
obviously a big change to the internals
it'd be nice if the externals got a
change as well
though we just don't know if that's
going to happen apple didn't do any
design change to the macbook air
or the mac mini or the 13-inch macbook
pro so
i'm not going to expect anything crazy
though it wouldn't be out of left field
for apple to introduce a redesigned
macbook pro
with an apple m2 chip inside that is
sometime this year as well but speaking
of redesigns
one product that should have no ifs ands
or buts about its redesign
is of course the imac now to apple's
credit they just did refresh the imac
lineup a couple of months ago got some
new processors and nano texture display
all good stuff but many regarded to be a
stop gap for what is coming
this year we're supposed to see a new
m1x or m2
chip equipped imac which should also
lead to a big
redesign as well we're expecting apple
to embrace its industrial design
give the imac much slimmer bezels a
whole new look maybe even things like
face id

and this makes us very excited for what
the future of the imac line could be
we heard some different rumors that
maybe there could be a 20 inch version
and 24 inch version maybe there's a 24
and a 27
i'm curious you guys think apple's just
gonna make one imac with one new design
one new chip skew and that's it or do
you think we'll see kind of more of a
consumer level imac and more of a
prosumer professional imac let me know
in the comments down below but
regardless i'm super excited to see what
this brand new imac could look like
and uh yeah it's uh in desperate need of
a redesign i cannot wait to see
what this will look like and just how
much power it is going to bring
this year the next one is one of my
personal favorites on this list and that
is the apple watch series 7.
one of the tried and true apple products
that once you get it you really like it
but we don't really hear a lot of news
about rumors on it throughout the year
because usually not much
changes though the last time we got any
sort of big redesign was with the series
four so three years later with the
series seven it would make sense that
this would be the year that we got some
kind of big redesign
whether that's just slimmer bezels new
display technology maybe it's a round
display after all
we're just not sure rumors are very
sparse on the series 7 right now
though we do know it'll of course get
better battery life probably a little
bit of a brighter display
more health sensors in there as well um
though there is little we know about it
right now
we are expecting this to launch in the
fall of 2021 alongside new iphones
and i for one am very very excited to
see what the next generation of the
apple watch
is going to be getting near the end here
one of the final products that we are
very excited to see this year is a new
ipad pro
uh we're not expecting any big design
changes to it it'll probably get a new
camera it'll get a new processor stuff
like that
but the biggest change is actually going
to be to the screen technology
we're hearing that apple is looking to
adopt mini led technology
for the ipad pro and specifically
probably the first model to launch with
this new mini led tech
will be the 12.9 inch big daddy ipad pro
now on the surface this doesn't really
sound all that exciting but there are
some benefits to moving from the
existing tech
over to mini led it's going to give a
lot of the benefits of oled without some
of the drawbacks and costs so you'd get
better color reproduction you'd get
deeper blacks
in the dark areas of the image better
contrast maybe a little bit brighter as
without having to deal with all the
limitations and the costs associated
with putting an
oled on the current ipad's frame of 12.9
or 11 inches
again 12.9 version launching first with
11 inch
launching maybe the same time or shortly
thereafter uh we're not sure when the 11
inch version will launch the
12.9 is set to launch sometime this year
and finally a new mac pro is slated to
launch maybe at the end of this year if
sometime in 2022 the big deal here is
that this mac pro is supposed to stay
smaller than the current version but
also retain a lot of the same modularity
and a lot of the same functionality
of the current design it's also supposed
to be the most powerful mac you can buy
so maybe this will have the m3 processor
or the m3x
we're going to assume this is going to
have the best of the best apple silicon
that you can get in a mac and what you
can buy because it is
supposed to be the most versatile most
powerful and most expensive mac
on the market so this is going to be a
really exciting mac uh super excited to
see what a smaller mac
pro could look like while also being uh
just as powerful if not more powerful
than the current model we have
though again this is really going to
depend on where apple falls with their
custom silicon
so keep a hesitant
uh eye out for this maybe uh be kind of
expecting something at the latter part
of the year
but probably more likely this is going
to be something we see in 2022
so there you go nine products expected
to launch this year and mana it seems
like there is so much to talk about and
so much to look forward to with this
year's apple lineup
what are you guys most excited for are
you in the market for a new mac and all
you care about is the new apple m2 chip
or are you just a simple person you like
a new ipad you like a new iphone or just
an apple watch
that's all you need one product and
you're good to go let me know the
product you are most excited for
down below as always thank you guys so
much for watching the apple circle i'm
robert rosenfeld i greatly appreciate it
thank you so much for watching
and i'll see you in the next one

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