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The original Apple iOS13 system is coming soon, and your old Apple phone may be retired!apple ios 13 download apple ios 13 wallpaper apple ios 13 supported devices apple ios 13 release date apple ios 13 download for ipad apple ios 13 announcement apple ios 13 apps update

 The original Apple iOS13 system is coming soon, and your old Apple phone may be retired!

Apple iOS13 , iphone 13

In June, Apple will develop the conference, this time the focus is iOS13, and it will release iOS13 and other next-generation Apple operating systems. Apple hopes to implement new features that users need. User interface design is difficult to make breakthroughs at the moment, and satisfying users seems to be something that can never be wrong. As for how many of the new functions mentioned above can finally be realized, it is well known that the iOS system, as the core selling point of Apple mobile phones, has reached the extreme with its closed, unified and other characteristics. Every year, Apple will release a new generation as usual. The iOS system, of course, also allows consumers to learn about the new upgrades in various functions of the new iOS. Still have to wait until the opening ceremony of WWDC2019 on June 3, Apple personally announced.

Apple iOS13 , iphone 13

The major changes to the UI interface of the iOS system will be traced back to 2013, when iOS 7 released at that time was a milestone, turning the system UI from quasi-materialized to flat design. Later generations of UI interfaces only optimized the application icons, added new functional modules, and so on. Ever since Apple was picked out for secretly reducing the frequency in iOS11, people's impression of the iOS system has not been great. Judging from the exposed series of information, Apple is determined to change its past and make iOS13 the best mobile phone system. I just don't know if all this Apple has done can restore the hearts of consumers?

Apple iOS13 , iphone 13

The interface of iOS 13 will usher in huge changes. The addition of "dark mode" will bring two major benefits to iOS users: 1. It makes the phone suitable for use at night, can maximize the display effect and protect the eyes; 2. It enables iPhone X, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max with OLED display technology to save power. New changes have taken place in many interfaces in the design of iOS13. For example, call reminders have changed from the full interface reminders of mobile phones to pop-up window modes. This is relatively more user-friendly. When receiving call reminders, they are not allowed You miss any wonderful moment in your phone.

Apple iOS13 , iphone 13

The current control center is much easier to use than the ios 11 and 10 versions, but iOS 13 will further optimize this control center to make it more usable. For example, adding a multi-tasking control bar to the top of the control center can make the space better. You can close the application directly in the control center later. To connect a new WiFi, we do not need to open the settings to connect.

The big thing about iOS 13 is to optimize the system fluency. Although, the current iOS system is still smoother than the Android system, but this is mostly due to the smooth application of the App Store store, because Apple has always had high requirements for the App, and it is not easy to generate excess garbage. And now, Apple will optimize the underlying code of the system in iOS 13 to further improve the system speed.

Apple iOS13 , iphone 13

In the case that the NFC function of the Android machine has already been used, the iPhone’s release of this function is not an innovation, but for the fruit fans, this is indeed a great benefit. After the opening, the retailer will be available for reading The taken NFC tag is placed on the clothes. Consumers only need to use the iPhone to approach the NFC chip to start the Apple Pay payment process without downloading the APP.

In addition to getting a new revision on the phone, for the iPad, iOS 30 will support intervening USB mouse use. Currently, iPad pro has a USB-C interface. If it is implemented, iPad pro will be the first batch of models that can be connected to an external USB mouse. For some users with office needs, it is undoubtedly very convenient. You don't need to bring a computer when you go out, just bring an iPad.

Apple will cancel some compatible models every one or two years, and use this method to eliminate old models. Since this is Apple’s normal operation and the default method of other manufacturers, there is no need to discuss it. Good or bad, after all, Apple has always strictly controlled the ecology, and hardware adaptability is also an important part of the ecology. If Apple continues to adapt to older models, it will actually spread limited resources and add a lot of trouble to developers.

Apple iOS13 , iphone 13

Now, another classic Apple iPhone 6/6 Plus has been completely abandoned by Apple. In addition, iPhone SE, iPhone 5s, iPad mini 2 and other devices have also been abandoned. These models will not be able to enjoy upgrading to iOS. Of course, models older than them will naturally not be able to install the latest system, which means that these models will also be included in the "outdated products and discontinued products" list. I don't know if the person in charge of Apple's death will take this into consideration. If most users lose confidence in Apple by then, it is not just a problem of sales. Losing many Apple users is the most serious problem.

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