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Election of Chief Minister of Punjab: Deputy Speaker's ruling in validated, Supreme Court orders Pervez Elahi to take oath tonight.



The Supreme Court declared Hamza Shehbaz as the Chief Minister of Punjab null and void and declared Parvez Elahi as the Chief Minister of the province. The Supreme Court has directed Parvez Elahi to take oath on Tuesday night itself The coalition parties of the government had boycotted the court proceedings in this case PML-N candidate Hamza Shehbaz won the Chief Ministerial election again on Friday, but Tehreek-e-Insaf and its allies approached the Supreme Court over the ruling of the Deputy Speaker. The Deputy Speaker of the Punjab Assembly gave a controversial ruling to reject ten votes of the Muslim League-Q, after which the Tehreek-e-Insaf candidate Pervez Elahi had to face defeat despite getting more votes.

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