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What to do if you have a car accident in New York? New York Traffic Accident

A car accident is a shocking event that happens every day in New York City. According to a December 2019 NYPD report, there were nearly 17,000 motor vehicle accidents across the city. Many of these accidents involved injury or death.

After a car accident, even a minor collision, all kinds of troubles will come oncoming. Auto accident victims face many hardships, whether due to injuries, lost wages or unexpected medical expenses. Car accident lawyers teach you how to protect your legal rights and the correct procedures for dealing with traffic accidents in New York.

Do and Don'ts After a Car Accident:

Don't panic after a car accident, even if you don't know what the consequences will be. Taking care of you and those involved in the accident should be the first priority. But you'd better know what things you should know after a car crash.

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Schematic after a car accident.

Here's what to do after a car accident:

1. stop:

First of all, never drive away from the scene of an accident, even a minor one. After a car collision, it is important to remain on the scene. New York state law requires drivers to remain at the scene of an accident. Do not move your vehicle until the police arrive. Even if you have taken pictures of the scene, let the police see it before moving the vehicle.

2. Protect the scene:

You can prevent further accidents by setting up lights or keeping flashes on. If it is dark and the lights are not on, you should wait on the side of the disabled lane, there should be lights for your safety.

3. Don’t avoid talking to the police

Always call the police, even in seemingly minor accidents, call 911 and report the accident. In order for the police to check and record all the information at the accident scene, it is convenient to take legal action in the future. The police report contains any information about the driver's violation, or other important information relevant to a potential legal case.

You need to get a police report and get the police officer's name and badge number, and the police report number.  Usually the police will give you a card after taking the statement, which states the date the Police Report came out, and you will be asked to pick up the Police Report at the designated police station . This card is very important. If there is an error in the police report, be sure to tell the lawyer. The lawyer will negotiate with the police to make sure that the police report is true. Protect your claim interests from being affected.

4. Make accurate records:

When the police arrive, give the police your insurance card and driver's license, and tell the investigators exactly what happened. If you don't know some facts, tell the person. Do not speculate or speculate, let alone knowingly misstate any facts. If asked if you were injured and you are not sure, say not sure. Often, the pain and injury caused by an auto accident becomes apparent within hours of the actual collision.

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Schematic diagram of police arrival.

5. Take pictures:

Take as many videos and photos of the accident as possible, with car damage, skid marks, damaged guardrails, trees or other relevant details. Will be used as evidence in the future to resolve any conflicts that arise. If you have obvious injuries to your body, these should also be photographed. However, you should never interfere with a police officer who is investigating. If you cannot take pictures at the scene of the accident, do so as soon as possible after the accident.

6. Ask for information:

If there are any witnesses at the scene of the accident, please ask them to provide their names and contact information so that they can provide the police and conduct a thorough investigation; ask the driver of the other vehicle for insurance information, ask the driver's name, address, phone number, driver's license number, license plate Number and name of insurance company. If there are other people in the car, their details can also be obtained.

7. Be careful who speaks:

Never speak to the opposing driver's attorney, or the opposing driver's insurance company. Also don't sign documents with the other party's insurance company, the consequences can be serious and can easily have a catastrophic impact on claims. Not to mention having private affairs with the insurance company of the other party, often you can only get 1%-5% of the real compensation if you do privately. Let your attorney handle these conversations. The most you should do is exchange insurance information with the other driver.

8. Never admit fault

Even if you think you may have been the cause of the accident, don't admit to being at fault. You may not be aware of other negligent situations around other drivers. Let investigators and your accident attorney determine who was at fault in the crash. If you are entitled to compensation or facing any liability issues, your car accident attorney can help.


Car accident attorney schematic.

After an accident, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

1. Concussion or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
2. Injuries to the neck, spinal cord, or back
3. Fracture
4. Nerve, muscle and tissue damage
5. Internal organ damage
6. Deformation or cut
7. Paralysis

When you go to the hospital for medical treatment, you must keep various documents. All details need to be recorded, and you need to prove that your treatment has caused temporary or permanent injury. Injuries caused in car accidents can be serious, perhaps resulting in a lifetime of suffering. You need to keep this evidence for the insurance company and the court to provide.

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Diagram of medical assistance.

New York is a no-fault insurance state:

New York is a state with no-fault car accident insurance, and accident victims will be covered by their own insurance company for medical expenses, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. A car accident lawyer can help you get what you deserve and protect your rights.

Accident victims who suffer bodily injury or disability to the extent that New York State considers "serious injury" you may have recourse against the at-fault driver for additional damages. If your injury qualifies, you're entitled to compensation beyond what the insurer offers under the state's "pure comparative negligence" rule.

New york statute of limitations:

Injuries were clearly observable after the accident. However, in some cases, the damage caused in a car accident is not immediately visible. New York State Statute of Limitations. For car accidents, this is three years from the date of the accident. In the case of wrongful death, the statute of limitations in New York is two years from the date of the person's death.

Not all injuries are immediately visible, and some symptoms, such as those associated with traumatic brain injury, take time to appear. The more information about your condition and the circumstances surrounding the accident that your medical records contain, the better. That way, if your injury turns out to be worse than you first thought, you'll need evidence that your injury was directly related to the crash.

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